circuit n. 1.(某一范围的)周边一圈;巡回,周游;巡回路线[区域];迂路。 2.巡回审判(区);巡回律师会。 3.【电学】电路,线路;回路,环道。 4.同行业联合组织;(戏院等的)轮演系统;轮回演出(节目)[上映(影片)]的戏院。 5.事物变化的顺序。 a postman's circuit邮递员的送信路线。 closed [open] circuit【电学】通[断]路。 return circuit【电学】回路。 integrated circuit集成电路。 be in circuit with 和…接成电路。 go the circuit of 绕…环行。 make a circuit 绕远路,迂回。 make the circuit of 绕…一圈。 ride the circuit (巡回法官)作巡回审判。 vt.,vi. (绕…)环行。
The monitored circuit is opened or closed 监控的回路打开或闭合。
Fault monitoring circuit 失效监控电路
The improvement of substation with no person on duty based on light monitoring circuit breaker control loop 基于灯光监视断路器控制回路的变电站无人值守改造
Specification for non - incendive low voltage control interlock and low voltage earth fault monitoring circuits for use in mines 矿用非激励低压控制联锁电路和低压接地故障监控电路规范
At the same time , the parameter monitoring circuit is designed to check the operational parameters of pharos that include voltage of power supply , operational current , based on lm339 voltage comparer , optical sensor and logical circuit 以lm339电压比较器为核心,结合光传感器、逻辑电路等,设计出参数检测电路,监测航标灯的电源电压、工作电流等工作参数。
This benefit allows you to reduce costs and time during the installation and save place in your process . the case leads the temperature to the bimetal - element . at the preset temperature level the bimetal element activates the power relay and the monitored circuit will be closed 本产品主要适用于冷却加热电路压缩机引擎和其他热交换器等场合,这一集成继电器优点,为您节约了成本减少了安装时间同时也节省了了空间。
Sensitive element is one of the important to measure the concentration of mathane , and it " s export is a little voltage signal , little signal amplify circuit is to transform the analogue signal to digital signal , display circuit is to display the concentration of mathane , monitoring circuit is to monitor the overstep limit of mathane concentration . the feature is new design , accurately measure parameter , convenient to operate and so on 其中cpu是监控仪的核心,完成数据采集、处理、输出、显示等功能;敏感元件是准确检测甲烷气体含量的主要元件之一,其输出是与甲烷浓度相对应的电压信号;小信号放大电路则是用来放大敏感元件输出的电压信号; a d转换电路把放大了的电压信号由模拟信号变为数字信号送入cpu ;显示电路则显示实时甲烷浓度;报警电路对超限甲烷浓度进行报警。
The instrument include cpu , sensitive element , canmengou monitoring circuit , little signal amplify circuit , a / d transform circuit , communication circuit , display circuit , monitoring circuit , cpu is the core in the instrument , complete data gather , process , export , display and so on 仪器能够根据甲烷浓度报警限( 1 . 00 )进行声、光报警,并启动排风设备,同时具有通信功能。仪器由cpu 、敏感元件、看门狗监控电路、小信号放大电路、 a d转换电路、通信电路、显示电路、报警电路等组成。